The following is a checklist and set of information I use when playing Dark Souls 2 SotFS to make sure I don't miss an item, conversation, or boss. I hope you find it useful. A big thanks goes out to the community of contributors on the Dark Souls 2 Wiki where some of this information is borrowed from. If this is your first time visiting this page please check out the Help section.

Warning: Contains Spoilers!

Playthrough Checklist

Things Betwixt (Level 1)

  • After waking up in Things Betwixt, proceed forward, head through the gap in the wall, and turn right. In the hidden area you can get the Rusted Coin.
  • Left of the bridge is a path leading to an Ogre. Killing him will give you the Stone Ring. You can do this now, or wait until you select your class and get a weapon.
  • Get the Gold Pine Resin from the corpse
  • On the other side of the bridge, to the left, is a hidden path under the waterfall with a Small Smooth and Silky Stone.
  • Enter the house and choose your name, class, starting gift, and appearance.
  • Talk to Housekeeper Milibeth and the Old Firekeepers.
  • Go upstairs and get the Human Effigy from the chest.
  • Go out the door beside the women, destroy the cart to get the Soul Of A Lost Undead and Torch, and rest at the bonfire.
  • Go through the first fog gate, complete the section, getting the Dagger and Lifegem along the way.
  • Leave the Small Smooth and Silky Stone on the nest for Sparkling Sisters Dyna and Tillo to get a random item and kick down the ladder.
  • Drop off the ledge to get the Soul of a Nameless Soldier and drop down to the main path.
  • Go through the second fog gate and jump the gap to get the Amber Herbs.
  • Jump back and go up the ladder, drop down and open the door to get the Cracked Red Eye Orb.
  • Drop down to the main area. There will be a third fog gate blocked by a petrifed statue that can be removed with a Fragrant Branch of Yore, we'll come back for this later.
  • At this point I recommend retracing your steps through the level and lighting all the torch sconces so you don't have to go through everything again when you come back, this will spawn a Black Phantom later.
  • Continue on to Majula.
  • After exiting the cave and going a little bit down the path, drop off to the right between the boulders to get a Morning Star, Cleric's Sacred Chime, and Binoculars.

Majula (Levels 1-10)

Forest of Fallen Giants (Levels 10-20)

Heide's Tower Of Flame (Levels 20-30)

No-Man's Wharf (Levels 30-40)

The Pit / Grave Of Saints (Levels 40-50)

The Lost Bastille / Belfry Luna (Levels 50-60)

Sinner's Rise (Levels 60-70)

Huntsman's Copse / Undead Purgatory (Levels 70-80)

Harvest Valley (Levels 80-90)

Earthen Peak (Levels 90-100)

Iron Keep / Belfry Sol (Levels 100-110)

The Gutter (Levels 110-120)

  • There are a few things to note while making your way through this area
    • It is much easier if you carry a torch at all times, and light all the sconces for better visibility and to know where you've been
    • Make sure you have some Poison Moss or lots of Lifegems to deal with the poison in this level
    • Smashing the Poison Shooting Statues uses weapon durability, so bring a second weapon or Repair Powder with you
    • The steps below assume you don't fall through a collapsible floor unless stated
    • There are multiple branching paths in this area, so it's easy to get lost or turned around. Stay calm, there's always a way back
    • Thankfully there is no Fucking Branch!
  • Before crossing the first bridge break the pot to the left to get the Dung Pies
  • Cross the bridge, watching out for the collapsing floor in the middle, cross the next bridge and kill the Molerat
  • Cross the next bridge, go up the ramp and drop down to the dirt area below
  • Drop off the edge farthest from where you came from and towards the wooden structure
  • Climb up the ladder on the side of the structure, jump across to the ledge and get the Ring of Soul Protection from the chest
  • Roll from the ledge back in to the wooden structure to get the Dark Armor and Lightning Winged Spear from the chest
  • Go back up the ladder, jump across to the ledge and light the sconce at the other end to get Melinda The Butcher to invade you
  • Drop down off the ledge, drop down again at the other edge, head back towards the bonfire, getting the Lifegem from the pot along the way
  • Go back across the first bridge, drop down through the collapsing floor, taking care of the ambush when you drop
  • Take a running rump across to the platform with the torch wielding Undead Citizen
  • Later, when you get the Forgotten Key in Black Gulch, come back here and go up the ladder to get Havel's Set and Havel's Greatshield
  • Go across the bridge, drop down the hole, kill the Molerat, and get the Dark Pyromancy Flame and Rotten Pine Resins from the pot
  • Go up two ladders, get the Large Soul Of A Nameless Soldier from the pot, as well as a Fragrant Branch of Yore, then drop down back to the start of the first rope bridge
  • Start across the bridge but watch for the exploding Undead Citizen in front of you and the Molerat that might drop down behind you
  • On the other side of the bridge, kill the Molerat, go up the ladder and get the Black Firebombs from the chest
  • Go down the ladder and drop down twice on the same structure and get the Titanite Chunk from the pot
  • Drop down in to the next structure and get the Tattered Set from the pot
  • Jump across to the dirt ledge and get the Ring of the Evil Eye from the chest, being ready for the ambush. Kill the Heide Knight for the Heide Knight Iron Mask and the Heide Lance. Open the chest to get the Aurous Set
  • Go up the very long ladder, get the Soul Of A Proud Knight and the Bandit Greataxe from the pot
  • Go up the ladder, pick up the Estus Flask Shard, and use the zip line to return to the main area
  • Drop down in to the room below and drop down once more to return to the start of the first rope bridge
  • Cross the bridge, go to the next structure and climb the ladder to the start of the second rope bridge
  • Cross the bridge, watching for the exploding Undead Citizen, kill the Molerat at the end, watching out for the collapsing floor in the middle
  • Cross the third rope bridge, in to the cave and get the Wicked Eye Greatshield from the chest
  • Leave the cave, drop down to the left, go in to the cave with the Corrosive Ant Queen and get the Poison Moss from the pot
  • Go through the fog gate, wacthing out for the holes in the floor, smash the wooden wall and light the bonfire
  • Go back throgh the wall you smashed and down the ladder in the far left corner of the room
  • Drop down, get the Rotten Pine Resins from the pot, drop down two more dirt ledges and get the Great Club from the chest
  • If you light all the torch sconces in the gutter, the Gutter Denizen will invade you, and will drop pieces of the Black Witch Set
  • Get the Dark Fog Hex and Torch from the pot
  • Use a ranged weapon, spell or consumable to destroy the corrosive pots in front of the hole in the wall, drop down and get the Fragrant Branch of Yore
  • Go through the fog gate in to Black Gulch and light the bonfire in the cave to the left
  • Return to Majula, level up, upgrade your weapons and armor, and buy any consumables you need
  • Travel to the Black Gulch / Black Gulch Mouth bonfire

Black Gulch (Levels 120-125)

Shaded Woods (Levels 125-130)

Doors Of Pharos (Levels 130-135)

Brightstone Cove Tseldora (Levels 135-140)

Drangleic Castle / King's Passage (Levels 140-145)

Shrine of Amana (Levels 150+)

Undead Crypt (Levels 150+)

Aldia's Keep (Levels 150+)

Dragon Aerie (Levels 150+)

  • Go up the path, ignoring the fork to the left for now, and talk to the Emerald Herald to get the Aged Feather
  • Head back to the fork, follow it along the bridge, and light the bonfire
  • Return to Majula, level up, upgrade your weapons and armor, and buy any consumables you need
  • Travel back to the Dragon Aerie bonfire
  • Go up the path, across the bridge and in to the cave, watching out for the exploding enemy on the bridge, kill the Crystal Lizard and get the Radiant Lifegem
  • Ignore the path to the right, since it's just a path that allows you to skip the dragon we're about to kill and you'll miss all the nice items
  • Go up the path in front of you, kill the Dragon and kill the four Crystal Lizards. The dragon doesn't respawn, so if you miss any lizards go back to the bonfire
  • There is another Crystal Lizard up the ramp to the right
  • Pick up the Darknight Stone, Dragon Tooth, Boltstone and Soul Of A Brave Warrior from the corpses
  • Cross the next bridge, watch out for the exploding enemy at the end, and pick up the Old Radiant Lifegem
  • Go across the next bridge, watching out for another exploder, cross the next bridge and kill the second Dragon
  • Kill the three Crystal Lizards in this area. If you miss any of them don't go back to the bonfire as we're about to open a shortcut back to here
  • Pick up the Soul of a Great Hero and Large Soul Of A Brave Warrior from the corpses
  • Go in to the cave on the right, watching out for another exploding enemy, and snipe the third Dragon
  • Drop off the ledge to the right, quickly turn around and kill the Crystal Lizard, and drop down and kill another Crystal Lizard
  • Pick up the Soul of a Great Hero, Ring of the Evil Eye +1, Flame Quartz Ring +2, Dragon Charm and Firedrake Stone
  • The cave to the left leads back to the top, so ignore it for now and take the bridge on the right
  • Use the zip line to return to an area above the bonfire and kick down the ladder to open this shortcut
  • Go back up the ladder and use the zip line to return to the area we just came from
  • Head up the path and to the right, across the bridge and back to where we killed the third dragon
  • Go in to cave on the right and drop off the ledge
  • Pick up the Large Soul Of A Brave Warrior and Pharros Lockstone, and use the Aged Feather to get back to the bonfire
  • Go up the ladder, ignore the zip line, go down the path and drop off the ledge to get a Twinkling Titanite
  • Use the feather, go up the ladder, zip line across and try to drop off on to the platform to get the Soul of a Great Hero
  • Again feather back to the bonfire, go up the ladder, across the zip line and head across the final bridge to light the bonfire
  • Return to Majula, level up, upgrade your weapons and armor, and buy any consumables you need
  • Travel back to the Dragon Shrine / Shrine Entrance bonfire

Dragon Shrine (Levels 150+)

Memory Of Orro (Levels 150+)

Memory of Jeigh (Levels 150+)

  • Travel to the Forest of Fallen Giants / Cardinal Tower bonfire
  • Go down the ladder, cross the bridge and head outside to the large door, and put on the King's Ring to open it
  • Rest at the bonfire, go out and drop down to get the Fragrant Branch of Yore, and use your feather to get back to the bonfire
  • Examine the tree to enter the memory. You will have about 5 minutes to complete it
  • You can summon Benhart Of Jugo before you go through the fog gate, at the bottom of the steps
    • This is the third of at least three boss fights you need to summon him for and have him survive to complete his quest
  • You can summon Captain Drummond before you go through the fog gate
  • You can only summon one of them. The other's summon sign will vanish when you summon one of them
  • Go through the fog gate, remembering about the fireballs that will rain down in this area
  • Get the Bonfire Ascetic from the corpse on the first platform on the left
  • Move forward passed the first fireball area and trigger the huge rolling head
  • Move forward, and get the Fire Seed from the platform on the left near the end
  • Kill the Giant Lord boss
  • Get the Old Radiant Lifegem from beside the pillar and then go out the door and down the steps
  • Examine the giant corpse to get the Soul of a Giant and again to leave the memory

Memory of Vammar (Levels 150+)

  • Travel to the Forest of Fallen Giants / Cardinal Tower bonfire and head down to the area beside where you first met Mild Mannered Pate
  • Examine the tree to enter the memory. You will have about 5 minutes to complete it
  • Head forward and talk to Captain Drummond to learn the Hurrah gesture
  • If you have already completed the Memory of Jeigh then he will also give you the Drangleic Helm
  • Open the door to the left and get the Smooth and Silky Stone from the chest
  • Head through the other door, watching out for the enemy that breaks through the wall, and get the Fire Seed from the corpse at the end
  • Go up the hill, through the archway and run for the ladder leading up to the roof on the right
  • Run across the roof, drop down at the end and run in to the building to the left for cover
  • Go up the ladder in the building, cross the wooden bridge, clear the roof and get the Soul of a Great Hero and Bonfire Ascetic
  • Drop down, turn left before the door to the building, and get the Blossom Kite Shield from the chest
  • Go to the right side of the door this time and get the Giant Warrior Club from the corpse in the corner
  • Go back in to the building, out the back door and get the Rouge Water from the corpse beside the steps
  • Go up the steps and get the Old Radiant Lifegem, Soul of a Great Hero and Torch from the corpses
  • Examine the giant corpse to get the Soul of a Giant and again to leave the memory

Ancient Dragon's Memories (Levels 150+)

Crown of the Sunken King (DLC)

  • Get the DLC

Crown of the Old Iron King (DLC)

  • Get the DLC

Crown of the Ivory King (DLC)

  • Get the DLC

Throne Of Want (Levels 150+)

  • Travel back to the Drangleic Castle / King's Gate bonfire
  • Go out and down to the left to the door and put on the King's Ring to open it
  • Talk to the Emerald Herald and continue along the path to the fog gate
  • Go through the fog gate and first kill the Throne Defender and Throne Watcher
    • You can summon Benhart Of Jugo outside the fog gate to the left
    • This is the fourth of at least three boss fights you need to summon him for and have him survive to complete his quest
    • You can summon Head Of Vengarl outside the fog gate to the right
    • You will get the Throne Defender Soul and the Throne Watcher Soul and 68,000 souls
    • Optionally do some jolly co-op to get some extra souls. You will get 17,000 souls each time
  • Now you need to kill Nashandra
    • You must have killed the Giant Lord before she will spawn
    • Your summons will stay with you for this fight
    • You will get the Soul of Nashandra and 90,000 souls
    • Optionally do some jolly co-op to get some extra souls. You will get 22,500 souls each time
  • Walk forwards and enjoy the ending cutscene
  • You will now be back at Majula, where you can finish up some final tasks before continuing to New Game Plus

Miscellaneous Tasks

King Vendrick (Levels 150+)

Dark Chasm Of Old (Levels 100-150)

  • I leave this to last due to it's difficulty and the need to use Human Effigies every time
  • Also, I like to do these in a particular order so that the easiest one is last, making the Darklurker fight easier to repeat if needed
  • If you have met Darkdiver Grandahl in all three locations you can now join the Pilgrims Of Dark covenant
  • Travel to the Black Gulch / Hidden Chamber, go up the hill and drop off by the first worm to the ledge
  • Go in and talk to Darkdiver Grandahl, join the covenant if you haven't already, and give him a Human Effigy to open the portal
  • Enter the portal and complete the area
    • You will need to kill four enemies. One heavy melee, two pyromancers and a shade
    • Remember to light the cauldron, using a Flame Butterfly to light your torch
    • Drop down the mist filled hole to complete the area
  • Talk to Darkdiver Grandahl to rank up in the covenant and receive the Resonant Soul Hex
  • Travel to the Drangleic Castle / Under Castle Drangleic bonfire, go out and around the corner to speak to Darkdiver Grandahl
  • Give him a Human Effigy to open the portal, enter it and complete the area
    • You will need to kill four enemies. One heavy melee, two fast melee and a shade
    • Be very careful not to fall of the ledges in the water
    • Remember to light the cauldron, using a Flame Butterfly to light your torch
    • Drop down the mist filled hole to complete the area
  • You won't rank up after the second area is complete. You need to complete all three areas to get the next rank
  • Travel back to the Shaded Woods / Shaded Ruins bonfire and drop down the hole near the second tower
  • Give Darkdiver Grandahl a Human Effigy to open the portal, enter it and complete the area
    • You will need to kill four enemies. Two fast melee, one archer and a shade
    • Remember to light the cauldron, using a Flame Butterfly to light your torch
    • Drop down the mist filled hole to complete the area
  • When you drop down the fog gate in the third area you can kill the Darklurker
    • There are no NPCs to summon for this fight
    • You will get the Darklurker Soul and 35,000 souls
  • If you completed all areas talk to Darkdiver Grandahl to rank up and receive the Great Resonant Soul Hex
  • If you also killed the boss talk to him to rank up and receive the Climax Hex, Xanthous Set and Dragon Chime
  • Head back to Majula

New Game Plus Preparation

New Game + Tasks

New Game ++ Tasks


Master Of Sorcery (Learn all sorceries)

Master Of Miracles (Learn all miracles)

Master of Pyromancy (Learn all pyromancies)

Master Of Hexes (Learn all hexes)

Gesture Maestro (Learn all gestures)


Is this a guide?

Nope, not really. This is a set of checklists and information that you can use while playing Dark Souls to make sure you don't miss an item, action, conversation or boss. If you need playthroughs then you can click on the links scattered throughout the page to find them in the wiki.

Do I need to follow the playthrough in this exact order?

Dark Souls is not a liner game and has multiple ways of progressing. This is generally the way I like to play through the game, so feel free to follow it if you like or mix it up. You can always jump back and forth and check things off in a different order.

Can I use this for multiple characters?

Yup, use the profile selector and buttons at the top right of the page to setup multiple characters.

Your level ranges are all wrong!

Any time I mention a level range it is just a rough guideline. The level an area or boss should be attempted at depends a lot on the experience of the player, their skill level and their gear.

How do I help with feedback, corrections, suggestions or additions?

You can post in this Reddit thread or if you know your way about Git/GitHub then fork my repo and submit a pull request.

Thanks to the following people for their suggestions, fixes and improvements

How does the checklist status get saved?

It gets saved to the local storage in your browser and not to any database or API. So if you are clearing your browser cache make sure not to delete the site data or your checklists will get reset. At some point in the future I might hook it up to an API.

What else have you got planned?

Every area in the game is now covered but I'm going to add other bits of information that I think might be useful as you do a playthrough. I'm also aware that the formatting needs a bit of work on mobile devices.